Hace dos dias de la release pero bueno, mas vale tarde que nunca. Mensaje del Changelog:

As always, thanks to Pat and the crew for
turning out another in the series of "best Slackware release ever."
There are a few things that wouldn't build for us, for whatever reason,
on Slackware 12.2, so those things are noted as removed from our repo.
We're going to leave the submission form closed for a few more days to
take a much needed and deserved (IOHO) break and to give us time to focus
on any needed bugfixes, but we'll open it up soon for new submissions and
to catch any updates we might have missed for compile errors.
We'd like to offer a huge "thank you" to the Slackware user community and
especially our script maintainers; the response we received to our request
for testing stuff on -current was awesome, and it really made our job much
easier this time around.  With all that said, thanks again to everyone who's
helped to make both Slackware and SlackBuilds.org successful; enjoy the new
Slackware release and SlackBuilds.org repository.  
--the SBo team

Y Anuncio oficial



  • slackware

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